The Clinical TMS Society is proud to announce the members voted to serve as the 2019-2020 Officers and board of directors:

  • President - Todd Hutton, MD
  • Vice President-President-Elect - Kimberley Cress, MD
  • Treasurer - Rick Trautner, MD
  • Secretary - Mohamed Abdelghani, MBBCh, MRCPsych, MSc
  • Officer at Large - Randy Pardell, MD

In addition, please welcome Rebecca Allen, MD, MPH, Jorge Davila-Gonzalez, MD, George Bush, MD and David Greeley, MD, FAAN to the Board of Directors along with the following Directors who were re-elected to serve new three year terms: Linda Carpenter, MD, Suzanne Kerns, MD, Shelly Menolascino, MD and Mahmoud Okasha, MD. Click here to view the full board.

President, Todd Hutton is looking forward to working with this qualified group of clinicians and stated that "the CTMSS fortunately has lots of dynamic committees that are active in creating things like our Grand Rounds, the PULSES course, insurance advocacy, propagation of clinical standards, and promotion of research to name a few. There is more to do in the year ahead however. It is time for us to update our clinical standards and I would like to see the CTMSS publish a more current document this year. On the insurance front, we need to educate insurers that the benefits of TMS do not always plateau at 36 and that some patients will benefit from more, as well as from maintenance and booster treatment. Also, we need to secure realistic rates of reimbursement from Medicare. We have ambitious membership goals that that include international outreach, and Iā€™m glad to see two international physicians on our board of directors. Our annual meeting is graduating this year to being its own event separate from the APA, simply because we have out grown being in the same city as them. In short, we have lots we will be working on and I look forward to a busy year ahead."

The Clinical TMS Society was established in 2013 and includes Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) providers with extensive clinical and research experience from across the United States and the world. The society is dedicated to optimizing clinical practice, awareness, and accessibility of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy.

For more information on the Clinical TMS Society please call (845) 392.3238 or visit