Who would have thought just a few months ago that the world would now be under shelter in place orders, the economy would be sliding into recession, and that the McCormick Place in Chicago, the convention center where we were to have our Annual Meeting, would become a field hospital?

Social distancing due to Covid-19 has brought special challenges to our TMS practices.  While we are regarded as providing an essential service, and the CDC states, “people with preexisting mental health conditions should continue with their treatment and be aware of new or worsening symptoms,” we must balance our patients’ need for treatment with the risks of exposing those patients and our staff to infection.

The need for TMS in the population is only likely to increase as we endure this period of increased stress and isolation.  At the CTMSS, we aim to ensure that our members have all the tools to stay on top of this ever-changing situation.  Our recent special Grand Rounds presented information on how to deliver treatment as safely as possible for those who choose to keep treating.  In lieu of the Annual Meeting, our Grand Rounds will continue to offer educational webinars throughout the year such as the fascinating presentation Ziad Nahas gave recently on TMS mechanisms of action.  The work on expanding insurance coverage continues, as do our efforts at outreach and education.

Thank you to all of you who volunteer your time and energy to making CTMSS the relevant organization that it is.  As my term as President nears an end, I appreciate how you all contribute to ensure the continued growth of our Society.  I will miss seeing you all at Annual Meeting, the usual highlight of the year for me, and hope that we can all gather again in 2021.


Todd Hutton, MD, DFAPA