Calendar of Events
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Practical Ethics for TMS Practices
Practical Ethics for TMS Practices
> >Register Now << Join the Clinical TMS Society for this installment of our Grand Rounds Webinar Series: "Practical Ethics for TMS Practices" Speaker: Ian Cook, MD, DLFAPA, FCTMSS Ethical […]
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Pulses – Orlando
This in-depth training course offers a certificate of completion and features lectures and over 2 hours of hands-on training delivered by Clinical TMS Society renowned clinicians, engineers, and researchers and some special guests. Attendees will receive current, historical, and practical knowledge for treating patients with TMS based on the best evidence. Register Now Date/Time: […]
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Minding Your Own TMS Business
Minding Your Own TMS Business
Moderated by Dr. Linda Carpenter, with an all-female panel, including current CTMSS President, Dr. Martha Koo, Dr. Rebecca Allen, Dr. Carlene MacMillan and Dr. Kristin Raj.