Recommended Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Coverage Policy Statement -

February 5, 2021 – The Clinical TMS Society Insurance Committee is pleased to present the “Recommended OCD Coverage Policy.” This document represents expert clinical consensus by clinicians who administer TMS for OCD and synthesis of available studies as of January 2021. We recommend it be included when seeking insurance authorization for TMS for OCD because many insurance companies do not yet have formal approval criteria for this indication. It is important that insurance companies receive requests for coverage so they can understand there is a demand from clinicians and their members for this service. Even if they say it is not yet covered, please still try to submit to request approval.  The more submissions insurance companies receive, the more likely they are to adopt a formal policy. Use the form for standard TMS for depression if they do not have a specific form for OCD.

If you have success or run into roadblocks when seeking coverage, please contact us with feedback at Your experience will help other members and their patients gain affordable access to this important treatment option.

Click here to access the Recommended OCD Coverage Policy.  

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